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meaning: "Ancient puzzle"
Named By: R. H. Reinhart in 1959
Time Period: Miocene
Location: Japan - Haraichi Formation, Haratajino Formation, Kurosedani Formation, Nagura Formation, Niwaya Formation, Satiama Prevecture, Sekinohana Formation, Tonokita Formation, Ushikubitoge Formation, Yamanouchi Formation. USA, California - Ladera Sandstone Formation, Monterey Formation, Oclese Sand Formation, Santa Margarita Formation, Skooner Gulch Formation, Temblor Formation, Topanga Formation. Mexico, Baja California - Torgugas Formation
Size: Around 2.5 meters long
Diet: Herbivore
Fossil(s): Remains of multiple individuals
Classification: | Chordata | Mammalia | Desmostylia |

Paleoparadoxia ("ancient paradox") is a genus of large, herbivorous aquatic mammals that inhabited the northern Pacific coastal region during the Miocene epoch (20 to 10 million years ago). It ranged from the waters of Japan (Tsuyama and Yanagawa), to Alaska in the north, and down to Baja California, Mexico. Paleoparadoxia was about 2.2 m (7 ft 3 in) long.

Read more about Paleoparadoxia at Wikipedia
PaleoCodex is a weekend hack by Saurav Mohapatra