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meaning: "Hyrax like beast"
Named By: Richard Owen in 1841
Time Period: 55-45 Ma
Location: Across the Northern hemisphere, But best known from Western Europe and North America
Size: Average 60 centimetres long
Diet: Herbivore
Fossil(s): Hundreds of specimens
Classification: | Chordata | Mammalia | Perissodactyla | Palaeotheriidae |
Also known as: | Eohippus |

Hyracotherium ( HY-rak-o-THEER-ee-am; "hyrax-like beast") is an extinct genus of very small (about 60 cm in length) perissodactyl ungulates that was found in the London Clay formation. This small, dog-sized animal was once considered to be the earliest known member of Equidae before the type species, H. leporinum, was reclassified as a palaeothere, a perissodactyl family basal to both horses and brontotheres. The remaining species are now thought to belong to different genera, such as Eohippus, which had previously been synonymised with Hyracotherium.

Read more about Hyracotherium at Wikipedia
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