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meaning: "Front lizard"
Named By: Richard Lydekker in 1890
Time Period: Carnian, 228-216.5 Ma
Location: Across Europe including France - Gres a Avicula contorta Formation (Lorraine), Germany - Lowenstein Formation, Stuttgart Formation, Weser Formation (Baden-Wurttemberg and Bayern for Stuttgart Formation), Hassberge Formation (Bayern), Trossingen Formation (Sachsen-Anhalt), Italy - Raibl Beds Formation (Bolzano) and Poland - Drawno Beds Formation (Opole), as well as Canada - Wolfville Formation (Nova Scotia), USA - Santa Rosa Sandstone Formation and Dockum Formation (both Texas). Possibly also India - Tiki Formation (Madhya Pradesh)
Size: Up to 3 meters long
Diet: Carnivore/Picivore
Fossil(s): Remains of multiple individuals
Classification: | Chordata | Amphibia | Temnospondyli | Stereospondyli | Metoposauridae |
Also known as: | Metopias | Metoposaurus heimi | Metoposaurus stuttgartiensis | Trigonosternum |

Metoposaurus (pronounced Me-top-o-sore-us) meaning "front lizard" is an extinct genus of Stereospondyli temnospondyl amphibian, known from the Late Triassic of Germany, Italy, Poland, and Portugal. This mostly aquatic animal possessed small, weak limbs, sharp teeth, and a large, flat head. This highly flattened creature mainly fed on fish, which it captured with its wide jaws lined with needle-like teeth. Metoposaurus was up to 3 m (10 feet) long and weighed 454 kg (1,000 pounds),. Many Metoposaurus mass graves have been found, probably from creatures that grouped together in drying pools during drought.

Read more about Metoposaurus at Wikipedia
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