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meaning: "Pebble beast"
Named By: Johann Jakob Kaup in 1833
Time Period: Late Oligocene-Early Pliocene
Location: Africa, Asia, Europe
Size: 2.6 meters high at the shoulder
Diet: Herbivore
Fossil(s): Multiple remains
Classification: | Chordata | Mammalia | Perissodactyla | Chalicotheriidae |
Also known as: | Chalicotherium antiquum | Chalicotherium baltavarense | Chalicotherium grande | Chalicotherium minus | Chalicotherium modicum | Chalicotherium pentelicum | Chalicotherium posterigenium | Chalicotherium sindiense | Chalicotherium sinense | Chalicotherium sivalense | Macrotherium salinum | Schizotherium pilgrimi | Schizotherium wetzleri |

Chalicotherium (Ancient Greek khalix/khalix, khalik-: pebble/gravel + therion/therion, diminutive of ther/ther : beast) is a genus of extinct browsing odd-toed ungulates of the order Perissodactyla and family Chalicotheriidae, found in Europe, Africa, and Asia during the Late Oligocene to Lower Pliocene, living from 28.4--3.6 million years ago, existing for approximately 24.8 million years.

This animal would look much like other chalicotheriid species: an odd-looking herbivore with long clawed forelimbs and stouter weight bearing hindlimbs.

The type species, Chalicotherium goldfussi, from Miocene and Pliocene Europe, was described by Johann Jakob Kaup in 1833.

Read more about Chalicotherium at Wikipedia
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