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meaning: "Horned lizard"
Named By: Othniel Charles Marsh in 1884
Time Period: Late Jurassic, 153-148 Ma
Location: USA, Morrison Formation. Portugal. Tanzania
Size: Certainly up to 6 meters long, larger specimens indicate an upper size approaching at least 6.7 meters long
Diet: unavailable
Fossil(s): Many specimens representing several species
Classification: | Chordata | Reptilia | Dinosauria | Saurischia | Theropoda | Ceratosauria | Ceratosauridae |

Ceratosaurus (from Greek keras/keratos, keras/keratos meaning "horn" and sauros/sauros meaning "lizard"), was a large predatory theropod dinosaur from the Late Jurassic Period (Kimmeridgian to Tithonian), found in the Morrison Formation of North America, and the Lourinha Formation of Portugal (and possibly the Tendaguru Formation in Tanzania). It was characterized by large jaws with blade-like teeth, a large, blade-like horn on the snout and a pair of hornlets over the eyes. The forelimbs were powerfully built but very short. The bones of the sacrum were fused (synsacrum) and the pelvic bones were fused together and to this structure (i.e. similar to modern birds). A row of small osteoderms was present down the middle of the back.

Read more about Ceratosaurus at Wikipedia
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