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meaning: "Barbour's cat"
Named By: Schultz, Schultz & Martin in 1970
Time Period: Late Miocene-Pliocene 13.6-5.3 Ma
Location: North America
Size: Up to 1.8 meters long
Diet: Carnivore
Fossil(s): Many specimens
Classification: | Chordata | Mammalia | Barbourofelidae |

Barbourofelis is an extinct genus of large, predatory, feliform carnivoran mammals of the family Barbourofelidae (false saber-tooth cats). The genus was endemic to North America during the Miocene until its extinction during the Pliocene, living from 13.6--5.3 Ma and existing for approximately 8.3 million years.

Read more about Barbourofelis at Wikipedia
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